Alfred Auguste Janniot

Central Figure for the Homage to Jean Goujon

Original posthumous bronze proof of the nymph situated in the middle of the group “Homage to Jean Goujon”. With a bird on her left shoulder, this woman’s bust, cut just under the shoulders, let us see the upper part of her dress, inspired from the antique costume. Representing a woman torso with a bird on her shoulder, central figure of the group “Homage to Jean Goujon”. Her regular oval face with a curved forehead, is surrounded by wide curly hairs, reminding of the Renaissance fashion.  The sculpture has been conceived in 1924.

Signed: A. Janniot.           

Foundry:   Bodin – Cast number : 4/8 – 2006.

Dimensions (with base):      

Height : 17 ¾ in.    

Width: 21 ¼ in.       

Depth: 14 ½ in.


This sculpture is one of the only twelve casts made from the plaster model of the artist (ancient collection Dupas), It is done in similar conditions than when Janniot was alive. Its is coming with a certificate from Galerie Michel Giraud, according to the artist’s legal successor Mrs Anne Demeurisse, who authorized the posthumous edition of this sculpture.

Museum :

The cast number 4/8 has been presented at the occasion of the exhibition Ruhlmann et la fraternité des arts at the Serralves foundation in Porto in 2009.

Commentaire :

The “Homage to Jean Goujon” group made of stone (today conserved by the Calouste-Gulbenkian   Foundation in Lisbon) was created for the entrance of the Jacques Emile Ruhlmann’s Collector’s Pavilion, designed by Jean Patou, for the Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes held in Paris in 1925.


Bibliography :

Ruhlmann et la fraternité des arts, catalogue d’exposition, Serralves, Porto, 2009, p. 159

Galerie Michel Giraud, Alfred Janniot, à la gloire de Nice, GMG éditions, Paris, 2007, original plaster model ill. p. 74 n° 6.

Galerie Michel Giraud Alfred Janniot, propos mythologiques et modernes, GMG éd. & la Librairie du Passage, Paris, 2006, pp. 30-35, similar bronze proof ill. p. 34.

Sous la direction d’Anne Demeurisse, Alfred Auguste Janniot, Somogy éditions d’art, Paris, 2003, original plaster model ill. p. 17.


Price on request

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