Alfred Auguste Janniot


Original posthumous bronze proof in a shade of brown and green patina, illustrating Erato, Muse of the Love Poetry, who stands for fecundity associated to the hymens. As in the iconographical tradition issued of the Greek antiquity, the muse is almost naked and comes with a little child, who lays a hand on her breast. She is standing on a square base. Titled « ERATO » in relief on the front of the base.

The sculpture was created around 1943-44.

Signed: “A. Janniot”.

Foundry: Susse – cast number: 1/8 – 2007

Dimensions :      

Height:            47 ½ in.               

Width:        22 ¼ in.                     

Depth: 11 ¾ in.

Total height:   73 in.              

Pedestal:  25 ½ x 14 x 14 in.


This bronze proof is one of the twelve legal posthumous proofs realised from the original stone sculpted by the artist and in similar conditions than when he was alive. It is coming with a certificate from Galerie Michel Giraud, according to the artist’s legal successor Mme Anne Demeurisse, who authorized the posthumous edition of this sculpture.


The original stone sculpture of Erato was part of a group of four muses situated in the garden of the Thebaïde, where Janniot lived during the Second World War, lodged by Mr Ducos after the destruction of his Parisian workshop. Thalie was with Melpomene, muse of Tragedy, Terpsichore, muse of Dance, and Erato, muse of Love Poetry, near the garden terrace.


Exhibited in the retrospective Alfred Janniot : sculpteur des années trente au Musée des Beaux Arts de Nice, 2007.


Bibliography :

Alfred Janniot, à la gloire de Nice, GMG éditions, 2007, similar bronze proof illustrated p. 76 n°39 and original stone model illustrated p. 76 n° 40

Alfred Janniot, propos mythologiques et modernes, Galerie Michel Giraud, Paris, la Librairie du Passage & GMG éditions, 2006, original stone model illustrated p. 121.

Alfred-Auguste Janniot, Paris, Somogy éditions d’art, 2003, original stone model illustrated p. 147.


Price on request

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